The Time Tunnel Logo 'Town of Terror'
Story Code '9630'

by Carey Wilber
The Time Tunnel Cast

10th September 1978: Doug and Tony arrive inside a futuristic control room, where they are attacked by a workman; in the ensuing struggle the man is killed – but then he gets to his feet and vanishes before their astonished eyes. The two time-travellers discover that they are in the cellar of a small hotel Cliffport, Maine; here they meet the manager, Sarah Pettinghill, who promptly shocks them by transforming into a hideous alien, freezing them with a touch of her hand. The Alien Sarah reveals that she and her androids have immobilised the townsfolk so that they can siphon off all of Earth’s oxygen and take back to their own world, a diabolical plan that will commence in just one hour’s time. In the present, the Project Tic-Toc personnel manage to remove Doug and Tony from Alien Sarah's reach. Freed them from their paralysis, the two time-travellers arrive back in the alien control centre, and are able to break through the room’s defences and escape; however, they are then attacked by a group of townspeople, actually alien androids in disguise. Doug and Tony flee, but when they leave the village they are stopped by a force-field; the aliens attack once more, but Doug and Tony fight them off, and the creatures vanish. Returning to the town, the two scientists meet Pete and Joan, a young couple also trying to escape from the town, and together they formulate a plan to destroy the alien control centre. Meanwhile, the Alien Leader orders that the oxygen be drained away from wherever Doug and Tony originate from; an android materialises inside the Time Tunnel complex, takes on the form of a technician, and uses a device to send the oxygen down the Time Tunnel. Before they can act, Lieutenant General Kirk, Doctor MacGregor and Doctor Swain begin to suffocate…

Cliff-hanger: Doug and Tony arrive on the deck of the R.M.S. Titanic, just before it is fated to hit an iceberg and sink beneath the waves...

James Darren (Tony Newman), Robert Colbert (Doug Phillips), Whit Bissell (Lieutenant General Heywood Kirk), John Zaremba (Doctor Raymond Swain), Lee Meriwether (Doctor Ann MacGregor), Gary Haynes (Pete), Heather Young (Joan), Mabel Albertson (Sarah), Kelly Thordsen (Alien Sarah), Vincent Beck (Alien Leader)

Directed by Herschel Daugherty
Produced and created by Irwin Allen
An Irwin Allen Production in Association with Kent Productions, Inc. and Twentieth Century-Fox Television, Inc.

US TX - 7th April 1967

*Featuring Doctor Tony Newman, Doctor Doug Phillips, Lieutenant General Heywood Kirk, Doctor Raymond Swain and Doctor Ann MacGregor