Star Trek Logo 'Return to Tomorrow'

by John Kingsbridge
Star Trek Cast

The Enterprise receives a mysterious distress call which originates from an ancient, long-dead world. Captain Kirk, Lieutenant Commander Spock, Doctor McCoy and Doctor Ann Mulhall all receive a telepathic summons from a being named Sargon; beaming down to the planet, they arrive inside a vault, where they meet Sargon: a glowing sphere. Sargon explains that his people were destroyed in a cataclysmic war half-a-million years ago; although he once had a body, he is now pure thought, and he asks Kirk to allow him and two others to 'borrow' the bodies of the Starfleet officers so that they can construct artificial ones for themselves. Kirk agrees to allow Sargon to briefly take control of his body, and then makes arrangements to transfer three spheres aboard the Enterprise. After Sargon's wife Thalassa is transferred into Ann’s body, and Sargon's former enemy, Henoch, into Spock's, all three beings are overwhelmed at having physical bodies once more. But while Sargon works on building the android bodies, Henoch has other plans; he attempts to persuade Thalassa into agreeing to keep their new bodies, destroys the globe that houses Spock's mind and then plots to kill Sargon in Kirk's body…

William Shatner (Captain James Tiberius Kirk / Sargon), Leonard Nimoy (First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock / Henoch), DeForest Kelley (Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy), James Doohan (Chief Engineer Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Nyota Uhura), Diana Muldaur (Doctor Ann Mulhall / Thalassa), Majel Barrett (Nurse Christine Chapel)

Directed by Ralph Senensky

9th February, 1968

*Featuring Captain James Tiberius Kirk, First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock, Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura and Nurse Christine Chapel