Star Trek Logo 'Mirror, Mirror'

by Jerome Bixby
Star Trek Cast

Captain Kirk, Doctor McCoy and Lieutenant Uhura are busy negotiating for dilithium crystals with the Halkans when an ion storm breaks out. The three Starfleet officers decide to return to the Enterprise, but just as Chief Engineer Scott beams them aboard, part of the storm hits the starship, causing the transporter to malfunction. Kirk, McCoy, Scotty and Uhura suddenly find themselves in an alternate universe, aboard the Imperial Starship Enterprise. In this version of reality, the evil Galactic Empire is maintained through fear and aggression, and officers achieve promotion through the accepted means of assassination. Meanwhile, the villainous versions of Kirk, Scott, McCoy and Uhura arrive on board the U.S.S. Enterprise; however, their uncharacteristic behaviour immediately causes Spock to realise that something is wrong, and he orders them to be imprisoned until the transporter can be checked and repaired. Back aboard the I.S.S. Enterprise, Kirk and his fellow officers pretend to be their evil counterparts, whilst attempting to find a way back to their own universe. Chekov attempts to assassinate Kirk, but the captain manages to thwart the attempt on his life. But when the Halkans refuse to surrender their dilithium crystals, Kirk refuses to give the order to destroy them - causing the parallel Spock to become suspicious…

William Shatner (Captain James Tiberius Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock), DeForest Kelley (Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy), James Doohan (Chief Engineer Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Nyota Uhura), George Takei (Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu), Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov), John Winston (Lieutenant Kyle), Barbara Luna (Lieutenant Marlena Moreau), Vic Perrin (Tharn), Pete Kellett (Farrell), Garth Pillsbury (Wilson), John Winston (Computer Voice)

Directed by Marc Daniels

6th October, 1967

*Featuring Captain James Tiberius Kirk, First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock, Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov and Lieutenant Kyle