Star Trek Logo 'The Changeling'

by John Meredyth Lucas
Star Trek Cast

Following the sudden destruction of the Malurian system and its four billion inhabitants, Starfleet Command sends the U.S.S. Enterprise to investigate. Arriving in the sector, Captain Kirk and his crew are threatened by a computer probe designated as Nomad, but when Kirk identifies himself by name, Nomad addresses him as "The Kirk," mistakenly believing him to be its creator. The probe is beamed aboard the Enterprise, but it then decides to erase Lieutenant Uhura's memory and kill Chief Engineer Scott, claiming that neither life-form was perfect. Kirk is furious, and uses his role as 'creator to demand that the probe 'repair' the "unit Scott". After the engineer is returned to life Lieutenant Commander Spock attempts a Vulcan mind meld with Nomad; he learns that the probe was created in the twenty-first century by a scientist named Jackson Roykirk, and was programmed to seek out new life and then report back to Earth. But, when Nomad was damaged by a meteor, it drifted until it found Tan Ru, an alien probe designed to sterilise soil; the two probes used their self-repair systems, combining to become one. However, Nomad's programming was corrupted, and by joining with Tan Ru it now believes that its mission is to seek out life and destroy anything that it does not believe perfect...

William Shatner (Captain James Tiberius Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock), DeForest Kelley (Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy), James Doohan (Chief Engineer Montgomery ‘Scotty’ Scott), Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Nyota Uhura), George Takei (Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu), Walter Koenig (Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov), Blaisdell Makee (Mr. Singh), Arnold Lessing (Lieutenant Carlisle), Vic Perrin (Voice of Nomad)

Directed by Marc Daniels

29th September, 1967

*Featuring Captain James Tiberius Kirk, First Officer Lieutenant Commander Spock, Doctor Leonard H. ‘Bones’ McCoy, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant Nyota Uhura, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu and Ensign Pavel Andreivich Chekov