Star Trek The Next Generation Logo 'The Perfect Mate'

(Story Code 221)
by Gary Perconte
and Michael Piller
Story by René Echevarria
and Gary Perconte
Star Trek The Next Generation Cast

The U.S.S. Enterprise is to act as neutral ground for a Ceremony of Reconciliation between the conflicting systems of Krios and Valt Minor. Kriosian Ambassador Briam is brought aboard first, along with a special gift for the Valtese leader Alrik, and he immediately requests that the cargo bay be made off-limits until the meeting. The Enterprise sets course to meet with Alrik, but while en route the ship encounters a damaged Ferengi vessel; Captain Picard beams the two Ferengi aboard, but the aliens are not what they appear; soon one attempts to talk Briam into giving them trade concessions, while the other breaks into the cargo bay and tries to steal to steal the gift, a strange glowing cocoon. However; when Lieutenant Worf and a security team apprehend the thief, the Ferengi accidentally knocks a cargo barrel into the cocoon's supports; the object dissolves - revealing a beautiful woman within. Briam and the woman, Kamala, explain that she is an empathic metamorph born with the ability to become exactly what her mate desires; raised from birth to be a gift to Alrik, she was to be a token of peace, but because the seal has been broken prematurely, she is now in a vulnerable state, and is sending out powerful sexual signals to every man she comes in contact with. For safety, Kamala is confined to her room until Alrik arrives; however, Doctor Crusher protests to Picard that he is helping to transport the woman into a life of virtual prostitution. Meanwhile, Kamala’s attraction begins to influence the male members of the Enterprise crew - including the captain himself…

Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Thomas Riker), LeVar Burton (Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Security Chief Lieutenant Worf), Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Councelor Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lieutenant Commander Data), Famke Janssen (Kamala), Tim O'Connor (Briam), Max Grodenchik (Par Lenor), Mickey Cottrell (Alrik), Michael Snyder (Qol), David Paul Needles (Miner #1), Roger Rignack (Miner #2), Charles Gunning (Miner #3), April Grace (Transporter Officer), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice)

Directed by Cliff Bole
Co-Produced by Joe Menosky, Ronald D. Moore and Peter Lauritson
Produced by David Livingston
Executive Producer Michael Piller, Rick Berman and Gene Roddenberry

27th April, 1992

*Featuring Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Thomas Riker, Chief Engineer Lieutenant Geordi La Forge, Security Chief Lieutenant Worf, Doctor Beverly Crusher, Councelor Deanna Troi and Lieutenant Commander Data