Star Trek The Next Generation Logo 'Imaginary Friend'

(Story Code 222)
by Jean Lousie Matthias,
Ronald Wilderson
and Richard Fliegel
Star Trek The Next Generation Cast

During a counselling session with concerned father Ensign Daniel Stutter, Counselor Troi reassures him that his young daughter Clara’s imaginary friend is nothing out of the ordinary, remarking that even though David’s career has meant moving from starship to starship, ‘Isabella’ has been Clara’s constant companion throughout. Meanwhile, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew is investigating a rare nebula formed around a neutron star; but as the ship continues on its course, a mysterious glowing ball of energy enters the ship and wends its way through the corridors, eventually arriving in the Arboretum, where it takes on the form of Isabella before Clara’s astonished eyes. Isabella convinces her friend to take her on a tour of the ship, in particular ‘forbidden’ areas such as Engineering, the Bridge and Ten-Forward. When the ship is then rocked by an impact, sensors show nothing; puzzled, Captain Picard orders Lieutenant LaForge and Lieutenant Commander Data to investigate; they discover that the ship is surrounded by a web of mysterious energy strands which are causing the vessel to lose power. Elsewhere, Troi arranges for Clara to attend a ceramics class so that she can meet other children; Clara befriends Lieutenant Worf's son Alexander, but when Isabella appears and destroys one of Alexander's creations, the young Klingon, unable to see the imaginary girl, blames Clara instead. Clara tearfully confronts her friend about her bad behaviour, but Isabella merely replies that she no longer cares for her friend, remarking that when the ‘others’ come, Clara and everyone else aboard the Enterprise will die...

Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Thomas Riker), LeVar Burton (Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge), Michael Dorn (Security Chief Lieutenant Worf), Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Councelor Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lieutenant Commander Data),Noley Thorton (Clara Sutter), Shay Astar (Isabella), Jeff Allin (Ensign Daniel Sutter), Brian Bonsall (Alexander), Patti Yasutake (Nurse Alyssa Ogawa), Sheila Franklin (Ensign Felton), Whoopi Goldberg (Guinan)

Directed by Gabrielle Beaumont
Co-Produced by Joe Menosky, Ronald D. Moore and Peter Lauritson
Produced by David Livingston
Executive Producer Michael Piller, Rick Berman and Gene Roddenberry

4th May, 1992

*Featuring Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Thomas Riker, Chief Engineer Lieutenant Geordi La Forge, Security Chief Lieutenant Worf, Doctor Beverly Crusher, Councelor Deanna Troi, Lieutenant Commander Data and Guinan