Star Trek The Next Generation Logo 'The Battle'

(Story Code 110)
by Herbert Wright
Story by Larry Forrester
Star Trek The Next Generation Cast

Encountering a Ferengi vessel, the U.S.S. Enterprise crew make contact with the ship’s captain, Daimon Bok. Captain Picard is amazed when the Ferengi announces that he is returning an old Starfleet ship, the U.S.S. Stargazer - Picard’s old command, which he was forced to abandon nine years earlier in the famous battle of Maxia. However, Picard is unaware that Bok wants revenge for the death of his son during the battle; the Ferengi has hidden an illegal mind-altering device aboard the ship in the captain’s old posessions. Picard begins to suffer terrible and disturbing hallucinations from the conflict; meanwhile, Bok’s tampering with the Stargazer's records make it appear as if the Captain fired on an innocent Ferengi vessel during the battle. Commander Riker, Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant La Forge try to prove their Captain’s innocence, and when Wesley discovers that Picard's brain-pattern matches low intensity transmissions emanating from the Ferengi ship, the mind-altering device is soon revealed. But the discovery comes too late, as the Captain has already beamed over to the Stargazer to relive the battle of Maxia - and he now belives the enemy to be the Enterprise

Patrick Stewart (Captain Jean-Luc Picard), Jonathan Frakes (Commander William Thomas Riker), LeVar Burton (Lieutenant Geordi La Forge), Denise Crosby (Security Chief Lieutenant Natasha ‘Tasha’ Yar), Michael Dorn (Lieutenant Worf), Gates McFadden (Doctor Beverly Crusher), Marina Sirtis (Councelor Deanna Troi), Brent Spiner (Lieutenant Commander Data), Wil Wheaton (Wesley Crusher), Frank Corsentino (DaiMon Bok), Doug Warhit (Kazago), Robert Towers (Rata)

Directed by Rob Bowman
Produced by Maurice Hurley
Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry

16th November, 1987

*Featuring Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Commander William Thomas Riker, Lieutenant Geordi La Forge, Security Chief Lieutenant Natasha ‘Tasha’ Yar, Lieutenant Worf, Doctor Beverly Crusher, Councelor Deanna Troi, Lieutenant Commander Data and Wesley Crusher