Enterprise Logo 'United'

Story Code: '089'
by Judith Reeves-Stevens
and Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Story by Manny Coto
Enterprise Cast

Archer tries to unify the Andorians, Tellarites and Vulcans in a plan to capture a marauder ship threatening to destabilize the region.

Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathan Archer), Jolene Blalock (Sub Commander T'Pol), John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox), Linda Park, (Ensign Hoshi Sato, Comm Officer), Anthony (A.T.) Montgomery (Ensign Travis Mayweather, Helmsman), Dominic Keating (Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Munitions Officer), Connor Trinneer (Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Engineer), Jeffrey Combs (Shran), Brian Thompson (Valdore), Lee Arenberg (Gral [Tellarite]), Molly Brink (Talas), J. Michael Flynn (Nijil), Kevin Brief (Naarg), Geno Silva (Vrax), Scott Rinker (Pilot)

Directed by David Livingston

4th February 2005

*Featuring Captain Jonathan Archer, Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Sub Commander T'Pol, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Ensign Hoshi Sato, Ensign Travis Mayweather and Doctor Phlox