Enterprise Logo 'Shockwave II'

Story Code: '028'
by Rick Berman
and Brannon Braga
Enterprise Cast

Intent on stopping Archer and Enterprise's mission, the diabolical Suliban take the crew hostage when it is discovered that Archer has mysteriously disappeared off the ship. While stuck in the decimated remains of the 31st century, Archer and Daniels work to find a way to get back to Enterprise; and Daniels worries that the future existence of The Federation may be in jeopardy as a result of his impulsive action to remove Archer from Enterprise, forever changing the course of history.

Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathan Archer), Jolene Blalock (Sub Commander T'Pol), John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox), Linda Park, (Ensign Hoshi Sato, Comm Officer), Anthony (A.T.) Montgomery (Ensign Travis Mayweather, Helmsman), Dominic Keating (Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Munitions Officer), Connor Trinneer (Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Engineer), John Fleck (Silik), Matt Winston (Daniels), Vaughn Armstrong (Admiral Forrest), Keith Allen (Raan), Michael Kosik (Suliban Soldier), Jim Fitzpatrick (Commander Williams), Gary Graham (Soval)

Directed by Allan Kroeker

18th September 2002 @ 8.00 pm

*Featuring Captain Jonathan Archer, Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Sub Commander T'Pol, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Ensign Hoshi Sato, Ensign Travis Mayweather and Doctor Phlox