Enterprise Logo 'Regeneration'

Story Code: '049'
by Mike Sussman
and Phyllis Strong
Enterprise Cast

An arctic research team on Earth discovers debris from an alien vessel, nearly a century old, buried in a glacier along with the bodies of two cybernetically enhanced humanoids. Once those beings are thawed for investigation, they come to life and abduct the scientists and their transport vessel. Enterprise is called to intercept, but Captain Archer and his crew find these cyborgs to be an intractable, insidious enemy.

Scott Bakula (Captain Jonathan Archer), Jolene Blalock (Sub Commander T'Pol), John Billingsley (Doctor Phlox), Linda Park, (Ensign Hoshi Sato, Comm Officer), Anthony (A.T.) Montgomery (Ensign Travis Mayweather, Helmsman), Dominic Keating (Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Munitions Officer), Connor Trinneer (Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Engineer), Bonita Friedericy (Rooney), Adam Harrington (Researcher), Christopher Wynne (Doctor Moninger) John Short (Drake), Vaughn Armstrong (Admiral Forrest), Jim Fitzpatrick (Commander Williams), Mark Chadwick (Male Tarkalean), Nicole Randal (Female Tarkalean), Paul Anthony Scott (Foster)

Directed by David Livingston

7th May 2003 @ 8.00 pm

*Featuring Captain Jonathan Archer, Commander Charles 'Trip' Tucker III, Sub Commander T'Pol, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, Ensign Hoshi Sato, Ensign Travis Mayweather and Doctor Phlox