Star Trek Animated Logo 'Slaver Weapon'
Stardate: 4187.3

by Larry Niven
Animated Cast

When the shuttlecraft Copernicus lands on a planet to investigate a stasis box from the extinct Slaver race, the crew is captured by Kzinti raiders who hope to find a super weapon…

Leonard Nimoy (Commander Spock), James Doohan (Chuft Captain / Kzin telepath / Kzin flyer / Computer voice), George Takei (Lieutenant Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Uhura), Majel Barrett (Slaver device)

Directed by Hal Sutherland

US TX: 15th December 1973

*Featuring Mister Spock, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu and Lieutenant Uhura

*Adapted by the author from his 1967 short story ‘The Soft Weapon’