Star Trek Animated Logo 'The Counter-Clock Incident'
Stardate: 6770.3

by John Culver
(Fred Bronson)
Animated Cast

When Robert April, the Enterprise's first captain, and his wife travel aboard the starship to his retirement ceremony on the planet Babel, the crew is pulled into a universe where time flows backwards. As Captain Kirk and his crew become children, April remains an adult longer than the rest, and must assume command of the vessel...

William Shatner (Captain James T. Kirk), Leonard Nimoy (Commander Spock), DeForest Kelley (Dr. Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy), James Doohan (Chief Engineer Scott / Lieutenent Arex / Commodore Robert April / Karl Four), George Takei (Lieutenant Sulu), Nichelle Nichols (Lieutenant Uhura / Dr. Sarah April / Karla Five)

Directed by Bill Reed

US TX: 12th October 1974

*Featuring Captain James Tiberius Kirk, Mister Spock, Doctor Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, Lieutenant Uhura and Lieutenent Arex