Doctor Who Logo 'The Sons of Kaldor'
(2 Parts)

by Andrew Smith
Jacket Illustration

Finding themselves in a seemingly deserted spaceship on an alien world, the Doctor and Leela stumble into some familiar foes - the Voc robots from the planet Kaldor - and… something else. Something outside. Trying to get in.

Reviving the robot’s Kaldoran commander from hibernation, the travellers discover that they’ve found themselves in the middle of a civil war. The ship was hunting the Sons of Kaldor, an armed resistance group working with alien mercenaries to initiate regime change on their homeworld.

But now the Sons of Kaldor may have found them. The Doctor and Leela will have to pick a side. Or die.

Tom Baker (The Doctor), Louise Jameson (Leela), Martha Cope (Commander Lind), Oliver Dimsdale (Rebben Tace), Toby Hadoke (V26), John Dorney (Brin / SV9 / V12)

Directed by Nicholas Briggs

Release Date:
January 2018

*Featuring the Fourth Doctor and Leela

*A Big Finish audio production