Doctor Who Logo 'The Rosemariners'
(4 Parts)

by Donald Tosh
Jacket Illustration

The Lost stories: Adventures that were originally written for the ‘Doctor Who’ television series but never made. Now available to hear for the first time…

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves on an almost deserted space lab. Earth Station 454 is being closed down, mothballed, its staff relocated. Years of research and co-operation are coming to an end and only distinguished xeno-botantist Professor Arnold Biggs remains on board.

But is there more to the closure than meets the eye? For the operation is being supervised by the Rosemariners of the planet Rosa Damascena. Their terrifying Commander, Rugosa, seems to have something to hide. Who is he? What do the Rosemariners want with the scientists? And what is the secret of Rosedream?

In a world where no one is quite what they seem, and deadly plants lurk around every corner, the Doctor will have to use all his ingenuity just to stay alive... just to stay himself.

Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon), Wendy Padbury (Zoe Heriot), David Warner (Biggs), Clive Wood (Rugosa)

Directed by Lisa Bowerman

Release Date:
September 2012

*Featuring the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe

*A Big Finish Audio Production