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German Puppet Version


TX: Sunday 16th to Friday 21st August 1959 (re-recorded in 1961 - see below):

Episode 1: ‘Der geimnisvolle Fund’ (‘The Mysterious Find’)

Episode 2: ‘Die Verwandlung’ (‘The Conversion’)

Episode 3: ‘Der Urwald’ (‘The Jungle’)

Episode 4:‘ Der Ausflug’ (‘The Excursion’)

Episode 5: ‘Die Gäste’ (‘The Guest’)

Episode 6:‘ Das große Fest’ (‘The Great Celebration’)

TX: Sunday 18th September to Sunday 23rd October 1960:

Episode 7: ‘Sturm im Mumintal’ (‘Storm at Moominvalley’)

Episode 8: ‘Das Theater’ (‘The Theatre’)

Episode 9: ‘Emma’ (‘Emma’)

Episode 10: ‘Der Wald’ (‘The Forest’)

Episode 11: ‘Die Generalprobe’ (‘Dress Rehearsal’)

Episode 12: ‘Zu Hause’ (‘At Home’)

TX: Sunday 12th February to Sunday 19th March:

Episode 1: ‘Der geimnisvolle Fund’ (‘The Mysterious Find’)

Episode 2: ‘Die Verwandlung’ (‘The Conversion’)

Episode 3: ‘Der Urwald’ (‘The Jungle’)

Episode 4:‘ Der Ausflug’ (‘The Excursion’)

Episode 5: ‘Die Gäste’ (‘The Guest’)

Episode 6:‘ Das große Fest’ (‘The Great Celebration’)