Doctor Who Logo 'The Masters of Luxor'
(6 Parts)

by Anthony Coburn
(adapted by Nigel Robinson)
Jacket Illustration

The Lost stories: Adventures that were originally written for the ‘Doctor Who’ television series but never made. Now available to hear for the first time…

The TARDIS is drawn to a mysterious signal emanating from a seemingly dead world. Trapped within a crystalline structure, the Doctor and his friends inadvertently wake a vast army of robots that have lain dormant for many, many years. Waiting… for the Masters of Luxor.

The Perfect One wants to become more than just a mockery of a man, and will stop at nothing to achieve it. But will the cost prove too great?

The travellers are about to uncover a horrifying tragedy. A tragedy that threatens to engulf them all.

William Russell (Ian Chesterton), Carole Ann Ford (Susan Foreman), Joseph Kloska (The Perfect One)

Directed by Lisa Bowerman

Release Date:
August 2012

*Featuring the First Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan

*A Big Finish Audio Production

*Time-placing: This story was originally intended to be the second television story, after '100,000 BC' (a.k.a. 'The Tribe of Gum' and 'An Unearthly Child'), but was rejected and superseded by 'The Mutants' (a.k.a. 'The Daleks'). However, this Big Finish audio adaptation takes place later in Season One, determined by the softening of the main characters' relationships to one another, so I'm choosing to place it after 'The Reign of Terror'.