Doctor Who Logo 'Last of the Titans'
(1 Part)

by Nicholas Briggs
Jacket Illustration

Once again, the TARDIS displays its preference for the grimy, the odious and the dangerous - and, finding himself lost and alone in the dark heart of a gigantic spacecraft, the Doctor has no way of knowing that a cosmic catastrophe is waiting to happen...

Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Nicholas Briggs (Vilgreth), Alistair Lock (Stelpor), Lennox Greaves (Professor Patrick Trethui), Holly King (Mrs Burden)

Directed by Nicholas Briggs

Release Date:
January 2001

*Featuring the the Seventh Doctor

*A Big Finish Audio Production. This story was included on a free CD offered with Doctor Who Magazine #300.

*Time-placing: The Doctor is travelling alone, and seems more seasoned and introspective, so probably occurs just before the TV movie

*Working titles: 'The Hunted' and 'Voyage of the Titan'