Doctor Who Logo 'Her Final Flight'
(2 Parts)

by Julian Shortman
Jacket Illustration

When the Doctor lands on Refiloe, he's not impressed. In fact, he doesn't intend to stay for more than just a few minutes. But someone has decided that the TARDIS has made her final flight. Someone whose future depends on the Doctor's death.

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), with Steven Bugdale (The Agent), Jonathan Owen (Hamiyun), Heather Tracy (Rashaa) and Conrad Westmaas (Damus)

Directed by Gary Russell

Release Date:
December 2004

*Featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri

*A Big Finish Audio Production

*This story was released as a free giveaway to Big Finish subscribers

*The story was to have originally featured the Seventh Doctor