Captain Scarlet Logo 'Flight to Atlantica'
by Tony Barwick
Captain Scarlet Cast

“We intend to destroy the World Navy complex at Atlantica.”

July 7th, 2068: Spectrum celebrates is first anniversary by holding a party; however, unknown to the revellers, their non-alcoholic champagne has been Mysteronised! Following the next Mysteron threat, Captain Blue and Captain Ochre fly a V17 Air Force bomber in order to destroy a dangerous wreck that is drifting towards the World Navy base at Atlantica, but the effects of the champagne affect their senses; they are taken in by Captain Black, who switches their flight-plan and sends them to attack the World Navy complex. Captain Scarlet and Colonel White realise that they must stop their associates at any cost - even if it means blasting them out of the sky…

Francis Matthews (Captain Scarlet), Ed Bishop (Captain Blue), Donald Gray (Colonel White), Janna Hill (Symphony Angel), Cy Grant (Lieutenant Green), Donald Gray (Captain Black / Voice of the Mysterons), Jeremy Wilkin (Captain Ochre), Liz Morgan (Rhapsody Angel / Destiny Angel), Paul Maxwell (Captain Grey), Gary Files (Captain Magenta / Williams), Charles Tingwell (Doctor Fawn), Sylvia Anderson (Melody Angel), Lian Shin (Harmony Angel), Shane Rimmer (Sergeant)

Directed by Leo Eaton
Produced by Reg Hill
Executive Producer Gerry Anderson

UK (ATV Midlands):
April 30th, 1968 @ 5.00 pm - 5.25 pm


*Featuring Captain Scarlet, Captain Blue, Colonel White, Lieutenant Green, Captain Ochre, Captain Grey, Captain Magenta, Doctor Fawn, Symphony Angel, Rhapsody Angel, Destiny Angel, Melody Angel, Harmony Angel and Captain Black