Bionic Woman Logo 'A Thing of the Past'
(Story Code '44401')

by Philip DeGuere, Jr.
Story by Terrence McDonnell
and Jim Carlson
Jaime Sommers

Jaime and her students go on a picnic; however, on the way back, the school bus is involved in an accident, and the driver, Harry Anderson, saves the life of a young girl. The next day, Harry finds himself declared a hero on the front page of every newspaper; unfortunately, Harry has been hiding in Ojai for years, ever since he saw an under-world crime lord commit a murder. Terrified that the gang now know where he is, Harry makes plans to flee once more, but Jaime vows to find a way to stop his pursuers and ensure that he can remain in Ojai…

Lindsay Wagner Jaime Sommers), Richard Anderson (Oscar Goldman), Martin E. Brooks (Doctor Rudy Wells), Donald O'Connor (Harry Anderson), Don Gordon (Glen Morgan), Roger Perry (Mister Stone), Lee Majors (Colonel Steve Austin), Ford Rainey (Jim Elgin), W.T. Zacha (Raines), Robbie Wolcott (Mark), Alycia Gardner (Gwen), Christian Juttner (Teddy), Lori Busk (Caroline), Brian Cutler (Major Don Mills), Mark Atkinson (Guard)

Directed by Alan Crosland
Produced by Kenneth Johnson
Executive Producer Harve Bennett

TX (US): 18th February 1976


*Featuring Jaime Sommers, Steve Austin, Oscar Goldman and Doctor Rudy Wells