Batman Logo 'The Ring of Wax'
Story Code '8725-Part 1'

by Jack Paritz
and Bob Rodgers
Batman Cast

Holy Sticky Situations! The Riddler smuggles a ring of a revolutionary new Universal Wax Solvent, capable of eating through anything, into the country by hiding it inside a wax statue of Batman, which is intended for display at Madame Soleil's Wax Museum. In place of the wax Batman statue is a wax replica of the Riddler, which, at its unveiling, subsequently sprays the attending audience with a gun filled with paint, while a tape recorder announces two riddles. Inside his hideout at the Kandle Lite Kandle Factory, the Riddler and his henchgirl, Moth, melt the Batman figure into a vat of boiling wax; Batman and Robin solve the puzzles and arrive at the Gotham City Public Library and find the Riddler and his henchmen, Tallow and Matches, attempting to steal a rare book on the lost treasure of the Incas from the vault with the use of the solvent. A battle breaks out, but the Prince of Puzzles uses his Doctor Riddler's Instant Forever-Stick Invisible Wax Emulsion to glue two heroes’ feet to the floor, enabling him and his gang escape with the book…

Adam West (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Burt Ward (Dick Grayson / Robin), Alan Napier (Alfred Pennyworth), Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet Cooper), James Hamilton (Police Commissioner Gordon), Stafford Repp (Police Chief O’Hara), William Dozier (Narrator), Joey Tata (Tallow), Michael Greene (Matches), Linda Gaye Scott (Moth), Ann Ayars (Madame Soleil), Elizabeth Harrower (Miss Prentice), Al McGranary (Mayor), Frank Gorshin (The Riddler)

Directed by James B. Clark
Produced by Howie Horwitz
Executive Producer William Dozier
Batman Created by Bob Kane

TX (US):
30th March 1966

*Featuring Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman), Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Robin), Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt Harriet Cooper, Police Commissioner Gordon and Police Chief O’Hara

*Based on 'A Hairpin, A Hoe, A Hacksaw, A Hole in the Ground!' from Batman #53 (July 1949), by Bill Finger