Batman Logo 'The Riddler's False Notion'
Story Code '8727-Part 2'

by Dick Carr
Batman Cast

Holy Snuff-Movies! After escaping from the frenzied party Batman returns to the Batmobile, only to find that Robin is missing; two riddles are suddenly fired from the vehicle's Antitheft Rocket chambers, which lead the Caped Crusader to the Gotham Lumberyard. Here the Riddler is filming a death scene involving the Boy Wonder and a deadly buzzsaw; but the Prince of Puzzles, dressed in classic black top hat, cape and moustache, immediately attacks Batman with a bullwhip, and then makes his escape along with his cronies while the Caped Crusader makes to rescue Robin - and then discovers that he has been duped by a dummy dressed as his trusty chum. Batman captures Pauline and takes her to the Batcave, along with Commissioner Gordon, who insists on accompanying them to ensure that the Caped Crusader does not use any unlawful methods of interrogation. Having ensured the secret of his lair’s location with the aid of knock-out Batgas, Batman elicits two more riddles from Pauline. These lead him to the top of the Chessman Building, where the Riddler and his felonious film-crew are filming a sequence in which Robin is about to be pushed off a high ledge to plummet to his death on the street below…

Adam West (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Burt Ward (Dick Grayson / Robin), Alan Napier (Alfred Pennyworth), Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet Cooper), James Hamilton (Police Commissioner Gordon), Stafford Repp (Police Chief O’Hara), William Dozier (Narrator), Alex Bookston (Guard), Theodore Marcuse (Von Bloheim), Richard Bakalyan (C.B.), Burt Brandon (Wolf), Sherry Jackson (Pauline), Theodore Marcuse (VonBloheim), Francis X. Bushman (Van Jones), Walter Woolf King (Theater Manager), Judy Pace (Cashier), Virginia Wood (Sylvia), Frank Gorshin (The Riddler)

Directed by Charles Rondeau
Produced by Howie Horwitz
Executive Producer William Dozier
Batman Created by Bob Kane

TX (US):
28th April 1966

*Featuring Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman), Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Robin), Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt Harriet Cooper, Police Commissioner Gordon and Police Chief O’Hara