Batman Logo 'How to Hatch a Dinosaur'
Story Code '1705-Part 2'

by Stanford Sherman
Batman Cast

Holy Radioactivity! Egghead, Queen Olga and her Cossacks break into the Gotham City Radium Center and steal a quantity of radium. When Barbara Gordon pays a visit to her friend Professor Dactyl at the Gotham Museum, the crazy crooks steal a giant fossilised forty-million year-old Neosaurus egg from under their noses. Egghead plans to use the radium to hatch the egg, so that he can set the dinosaur within on a rampage through Gotham City. Recalling Professor Grimes' article from ‘The South-eastern Regional Journal Of Applied Radiology’, Revitalizing Fossil Forms by the Use of High-Energy Radioactive Energy Sources, Batman, Robin and Batgirl surmise Egghead's mad scheme, and by using their Batgeiger counters to trace the stolen radium, they swiftly locate the domed do-badder’s hideout. However, the Boy Wonder and the Caped Crusaderess are captured by the criminals, and forced to look on as Egghead hatches the dinosaur from its egg…

Adam West (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Burt Ward (Dick Grayson / Robin), Yvonne Craig ( Barbara Gordon / Batgirl), Alan Napier (Alfred Pennyworth), Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet Cooper), James Hamilton (Police Commissioner Gordon), Stafford Repp (Police Chief O’Hara), William Dozier (Narrator), Anne Baxter (Olga, Queen of the Cossacks), Vincent Price (Egghead), Alfred Dennis (Omar Orloff), Alan Hale Jr. (Gilligan), Violet Carlson (Old Lady), Billy Corcoran (Boy Scout), James O'Hara (Policeman), James Lanphier (Indian Man), Pat Becker (Technician), Mary Benoit (Petula), John Lormer (Professor Dactyl), Donald Elson (Tender)

Directed by Oscar Rudolph
Produced by Howie Horwitz
Executive Producer William Dozier
Batman Created by Bob Kane

TX (US):
9th November 1967

*Featuring Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman), Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Robin), Barbara Gordon (a.k.a. Batgirl), Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt Harriet Cooper, Police Commissioner Gordon and Police Chief O’Hara