Batman Logo 'Better Luck Next Time'
Story Code '8721-Part 2'

by Stanley Ralph Ross
and Lee Orgel
Batman Cast

Holy Treasure Hunts! Batman manages to evade Tinkerbell the tiger long enough to get out his Batclaws and climb up the wall, taking him out of the big cat’s reach. Plugging his ears with a pair of Batearplugs he then subdues the tiger with super-amplified sounds from his Batcommunicator, allowing him to make his escape and begin the search for his trusty chum. Meanwhile, Catwoman has balanced Robin on the end of a board, and is releasing sand onto the other end to make the Boy Wonder sink slowly into a pit of hungry tigers. The felonious feline then leaves to search for Captain Manx's treasure, having created a map by joining the two Golden Cat statues together and then drawing the outline. After Batman arrives in time to save Robin, the two crime fighters overpower all of Catwoman’s henchmen except for Leo, who escapes to rejoin his boss. Back at the Batcave, the Dynamic Duo use the Golden Cats to determine where the treasure is buried; but when they arrive at McElroy Point, they soon find themselves facing Catwoman's deadly minefield…

Adam West (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Burt Ward (Dick Grayson / Robin), Alan Napier (Alfred Pennyworth), Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet Cooper), James Hamilton (Police Commissioner Gordon), Stafford Repp (Police Chief O’Hara), William Dozier (Narrator), Pat Zurica (Guard), Jock Mahoney (Leo), Ralph Manza (Felix), Harry Holcomb (Mr. Andrews), Alex Sharp (Henchman), Julie Newmar (The Catwoman), Tinker Bell (Tiger)

Directed by James Sheldon
Produced by Howie Horwitz
Executive Producer William Dozier
Batman Created by Bob Kane

TX (US):
17th March 1966

*Featuring Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman), Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Robin), Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt Harriet Cooper, Police Commissioner Gordon and Police Chief O’Hara

*When ABC News interrupted the original broadcast of this episode with coverage of the Gemini 8 spacecraft, as astronauts Neil Armstrong and David Scott were having problems with malfunctioning controls, thousands of viewers called in to complain about the interruption to their favourite show