Batman Logo 'Batman's Satisfaction'
Story Code '9751-Part 2'

by Charles Hoffman
Batman Cast

Holy Philately! As the Green Hornet and Kato are fed into Colonel Gumm’s Enlarged Perforation and Coiling Machine, they are blocked, gummed, and perforated into life-size stamps and then pinned to the wall. Meanwhile, Batman and Robin manage to unstick themselves from Gumm's undetatchable glue pad, swiftly overpower the villain and his henchmen, and then enable the Green Hornet to use his Hornet Sting gun to blast open the machine. However, the distraction allows Gumm and his gang to escape with Pinky. While the Hornet and his sidekick track the villains, the Dynamic Duo use the Batcomputer to decode the letters that Pinky managed to leave in Gumm's bowl of alphabet soup, leading them to the International Stamps Exhibition. With the help of her pink dog, Apricot, Pinky is able to escape the clutches of her captors; she informs Commissioner Gordon of the villains’ plans, and together they head for the exhibition, where Batman and Robin have encountered Colonel Gumm, in the guise of Mr. Barbarosa, together with Canceled, Reprint and Block. But when the Green Hornet and Kato appear, the Dynamic Duo mistakenly believe them to be the brains behind the criminal operation - causing the two teams of heroes to face off in a frantic fight…

Adam West (Bruce Wayne / Batman), Burt Ward (Dick Grayson / Robin), Alan Napier (Alfred Pennyworth), Madge Blake (Aunt Harriet Cooper), James Hamilton (Police Commissioner Gordon), Stafford Repp (Police Chief O’Hara), William Dozier (Narrator), Van Williams (Britt Reid / Green Hornet), Bruce Lee (Kato), Roger C. Carmel (Colonel Gumm), Diane McBain (Pinky Pinkston), Seymour Cassel (Canceled), Rico Cattani (Reprint), Alex Rocco (Block), Harry Frazier (Mr. Stample), James O'Hara (Sergeant Semple), Angelique Pettyjohn (FirstModel [Angelique]), Jan Watson (Second Model [Shirley]), Dusty Cadis (Waiter), Edward G. Robinson (Bat-Climb Cameo)

Directed by Oscar Rudolph
Produced by Howie Horwitz
Executive Producer William Dozier
Batman Created by Bob Kane

TX (US):
2nd March 1967

*Featuring Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman), Dick Grayson (a.k.a. Robin), Alfred Pennyworth, Aunt Harriet Cooper, Police Commissioner Gordon and Police Chief O’Hara