Avengers Logo 'Bizarre'
by Brian Clemens
Avengers Cast

A woman is found wandering through a snowy field in her nightgown, babbling about dead men who will not stay dead. Steed, Tara and Captain Carson investigate and learn that she was thrown from a train by a man leaving his coffin, which was bound for a graveyard called ‘Happy Meadows’. Steed and Tara visit the resting place and meet the man in charge, Bagpipes Happychap, who likes to make death fun. But Happychap is not much of a caretaker, as his ‘Paradise Plot’ area is filled with gravestones for deceased financiers - but empty coffins. Captain Carson investigates, only to die twice; Steed follows his trail and dies only once - and then wakes up to a life of luxury underground…

Patrick Macnee (John Steed), Linda Thorson (Tara King), Patrick Newell (Mother), Roy Kinnear (Happychap), Fulton Mackay (Master), James Kerry (Cordell), George Innes (Shaw), Sally Nesbitt (Helen), John Sharp (Jupp), Sheila Burrell (Mrs. Jupp), Michael Balfour (Tom), Patrick Connor (Bob), Ron Pember (Charley)

Directed by Leslie Norman
Produced by Albert Fennell and Brian Clemens

UK: 21st May, 1969

*Featuring John Steed, Tara King and Mother

*The tag scene: Steed shows off his latest toy to Tara: a life-sized working model space ship. But Tara accidentally pushes the wrong button and launches them both into orbit. Back on Earth, Mother tells us “They'll be back...”, before realising: “They’re unchapperoned up there!”