Angel Logo 'The Trial'
Story Code '2ADH09'

by Douglas Petrie
and Tim Minear
Angel Cast

Still haunted by flashbacks of his love affair with Darla, Angel enlists Gunn’s help in tracking her down. Meanwhile, Lindsay finds Darla hiding in a cheap motel, and brings her back to Wolfram and Hart. But Darla is dying from a Syphilitic heart condition, and now only has a few months to live; in desperation she visits a low-life bar in order to find a vampire that will sire her, but is stopped by Angel’s intervention. Angel now faces a terrible choice: either watch Darla die, or use his own vampiric powers to grant her eternal life…

David Boreanaz (Angel), Charisma Carpenter (Cordelia Chase), Alexis Denisof (Wesley Wyndam-Price), J. August Richards (Charles Gunn), Julie Benz (Darla), Christian Kane (Lindsey McDonald), Jim Piddock (Valet), Andy Hallett (Host [Lorne]), Sam Anderson (Holland Manners), Juliet Landau (Drusilla), Evan Arnold (Vampire in Bar)
Directed by Bruce Seth Green

TX (US): 28th November 2000

*Featuring Angel, Cordelia, Wesley, Gunn and the Host